Pilgrimage to your Inner Self

Are you wondering about your next step, asking yourself “What’s Next”?

Do you need some quiet time for silence and reflection?

Discover the beauty inside yourself and the preciousness of who you are.

Join us for a Retreat of Discovery and wonder, get in touch with your Authentic Self and experience deep Healing.

Next Retreat dates and location to be announced.

Date: Fall 2024.

Investment: $ 347.00 per person, shared room, $447.00 individual room.

This includes workshop, room and food, for two nights.

Two days of Reflection, Self-Nurturing, Relaxation and Peace.

A Journey to Inner Self, is how participants described our spring retreat in the spring of 2023. Give yourself a chance to reflect, rejuvenate, and find your purpose. The retreat was not only about Self-Care, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, but also an exploration of what is the most meaningful to you at this time of your life. You will release all negative emotions and what is blocking you from moving forward, clarify your goals, focus your energy, and get in touch with your Authentic Self where your answers reside.


  • Reclaim your Inner Peace.

  • Walk the nature trail and have fun.

  • Practice the twelve Pillars of Well-Being.

  • Experience Peace, inner fulfillment and enthusiasm while taking your next steps.

  • Nurture your inner child and enhance self-forgiveness.

  • Write your Mission Statement and clarify your purpose.


$ 447.00 per person, individual room, including workshop, lodging and meals.

Complete Agenda will be emailed to you soon after you register. If you have any questions e mail me at: docmounzer@mindfulmdcoaching.com or Text 704-746-1129.